Saturday, April 18, 2009

Privileged to introduce Clinton and Mortenson

It is not often one can do great things. Yesterday. at the Georgetown Global Forum I had the privilege of introducing Bill Clinton to Greg Mortenson.
The former president looked at him, eyes about a foot apart, both are about 6' 2" and said "I really admire what you do", and the Greg responded that he admired what he does. Wow, and I, as a member class of '68, had the honor to say to the president of my class, "I'd like you to met....."

It will be a long time living with that moment. No photo's, I don't ask for autographs or ask people take pictures with me. Damn, I wish....

Bill noted that Greg had sold a lot of books, and he actually wrote about him in his book Giving.

If I reflect on all that happened yesterday, this won't get posted with the urgency I need to say to the world: I was in the shadow of greatness. I stood with people who really made a difference in the lives of the poor and needy who brought a measure of peace to the world through their dogged efforts. These are our saints with all their flaws. I should go and do likewise. More on this later.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I want to get out there, with just a few edits. The last months have included a Chicago visit to my old clinic on the 10th anniversary, my first visit with stethoscope to a clinic in Honduras, a wedding in Spokane, lots of high lake water, and the best of all: a changing of the guard. Obama makes me smile and believe again. Sara's basketball game brought lots of family members to the gym. That's why I moved to MA, isn't it? and then there is the view. m