Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What a difference a few days and being pain free makes

The real story is one of pain that had nothing to do with either operation.
Well, except I walked on the side of my left foot (one with toe amp) because I needed my special boot disinfected with bleach. I am paranoid about germs and hospital germs in particular.
I didn't want those hospital floor germs in my bed.
My floor germs are okay, but not the hospital floor. I just don't trust hospital germs.

The result was that on Saturday evening I got up from bed and nearly fell over from pain at one spot near my inner ankle...I was taking some powerful opiates and yet I was having 10 out of 10 whenever I took a step...I could put a finger on the tender spot of bone muscle and tendon...but I couldn't get it to stop. Any flexion or rolling the foot to a flat position, killed.
So my funky walking on the side of my foot now created a new, major pain problem.
Massage, capsasin (pepper cream) and KT’s massage and stretch released the shortened muscle/tendon irritation over the last few days. Pain free and able to walk as of Monday afternoon. My sympathy to victims of plantar fasciitis. That must be what it was like. You need to keep the muscle stretched (especially when sleeping) to stop the pain.

On to new and better things
  • Getting emails, phone calls, texts, cards, and Facebook xo's from the farm/ lake team.
  • Visit from Skip and Judy to install the under ice listening lake device...so I can hear the ice sounds...lacking at this point.
  • Brother Bob visit brings Elaine’s meatballs. She is the only real Italian in the Manning/Noyes clan. And they were yummy. Being a real Italian, she couldn't come because it was one of her days with her widowed 95+ yr. old father, For almost 10 years, the 6 daughters have cared for their father, mostly in his home, but more recently in the nursing home. They remain his constant companions and caregivers. Amazing women. All of you in the Manning’s appreciate Elaine‘s wicked sense of style and humor. She and John Stone have been our stand up comics for years.
  • Lynn and Lou brought a Japanese dinner augmented by seared ahi and asparagus from the Nielsen’s! Where does one luck into friends like this! Lynn and Lou are returning to her job in Beirut. Two of her most brilliant med students were accepted to Harvard for specialty rotations, a real coup! When she's around just watch the good things happen. And they took top honors in duplicate bridge.
  • Bill Seabourne experimented, quite successfully with a down Maine recipe for chicken casserole from Captain Greenlaw. She was the captain of the boat that didn't go down in the Perfect Storm and reality TV captain of a long line swordfishing boat. I have followed her writings and now to taste the food from her little spot of heaven in Maine... thank you Seabourne’s http://www.lindagreenlawbooks.com/
  • Peter Levine called from the QQLA to compare notes on his similar hospital experiences and to note how wonderful it is to have KT allowed having a residency experience in melanoma.
  • Millers have a new granddaughter, Jennifer birthed Josephine JANE!
  • Aunt Lois conveyed the care and concern only my mother’s sister could. What a nurse caretaker.
  • Cousin Sharon Berkner said she speaks to the God of Mercy re my health and does it frequently. Couldn’t have anyone say it better or to the right power.
  • Alternate son, Michael Wolaver's hysterical Horton Hears a Who card hit a sweet spot.
  • And a long note from Marci Dubois a Noyes cousin. Thank you for reconnecting.

All had me in tears

What’s next:
Thursday 2/2 appt to hear path report of nodes
Monday 2/6 first hematology/ oncology visit to clarify mortality odds and treatments recommendation.
Monday 2/13 Mem Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) visit to top genetics doc Paul Chapman for the second opinion...anything out there that might be better than standard therapy?
Month of Feb. Time to heal
Month of Mar. Most likely recommendation will be interferon treatments 5x/week. A daily IV that makes you feel like you have the flu, likely side effects: fatigue, muscle aches, depression...the yuks.
Month of April: Probably self-administered interferon treatment. Sub cutaneous 3x /week. More yuks.
Just what one can figure out from reading medical literature, talking to KT, friends, and KT’s med school friends.

Feeling a lot better,
Meg Mom Gaga

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